Silence on the part of Pakistan over annexation of Kashmir by India

Shamshad Khan Advocate

Yesterday,s debate on annexation of Azad kashmir with pakistan on Tv channels have unfolded the secret of silence on the part of pakistan over the annexation of kashmir by India,it is indeed the fulfilment of dreams of accessionist parties,what they propogated to attain the employment to exploit their own people is at the verge of culmination ,as far as the people of Ajk and G.B are concerned it is quite alarming,Both India and pakistan have decided to sum up the issue by declaring their respective occoupations as International borders,it has been decided to quell all the resistance in either part of the erswhile state with brute repression,the nationalist element is the front line probable target of brute repression and the former accessionist the ready made tools to carry out this filthy job ,they are again to be assigned employment but this time with a different assignment….the hired assasins and contract kllers.

Copy from Shamshad Khan Advocate’s Facebook page.

Published by Revolutionaryvoice of JK

Spokesman JKLF

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